Top Rated Criminal Defense Attorneys in Greensboro, NC

Theft Crimes
Bond Motions
Probation Violations
Garrett, Walker, Aycoth & Olson, Attorneys at Law
317 S. Greene St, Greensboro, NC 27401
Monday – 8:15 AM – 5:15 PM
Tuesday – 8:15 AM – 5:15 PM
Wednesday – 8:15 AM – 5:15 PM
Thursday – 8:15 AM – 5:15 PM
Friday – 8:15 AM – 5:00 PM
Table of Contents
- Do I need a Greensboro Criminal lawyer?
- What should I do if I’m stopped by the police?
- What’s the Difference between a Misdemeanor and a Felony?
- What’s the Difference between State and Federal Criminal Charges?
- Contact Garrett, Walker, Aycoth, & Olson, Attorneys at Law
At Garrett, Walker, Aycoth & Olson, Attorneys at Law, our criminal lawyers in Greensboro are spearheaded by former Guilford County Assistant District Attorneys, who bring extensive trial experience to your case at both the District and Superior Court levels. Well respected in the legal community, with two former Presidents of the Greensboro Criminal Defense Lawyers Association, our firm represents people charged with both misdemeanor and felony offenses in North Carolina. Our stellar reputation stems from a mastery of the criminal statutes and consistently achieving the best possible outcome for clients charged with:
- Driving While Impaired (DWI): A conviction on charges of drunk driving can have serious consequences, including active prison time, driver’s license suspension, increased auto insurance rates, and a criminal record. Founding partner Chad Garrett is the author of a recently published definitive guide on the law of Driving While Impaired.
- Felony Cases – Our Greensboro Felony Lawyers understand what it takes to help you with your felony Case. North Carolina Felony cases are charges where the sentence is typically greater than one year.
- Drug Trafficking Charges: Greensboro Drug Trafficking cases are extremely complex. Our Greensboro Trafficking Lawyers know how to navigate these cases, and whether it’s a Suppression Motion or a Jury Trial that is necessary to help you with your case. Our Greensboro Lawyers are here to help you.
- Drug Charges: The sooner you have a lawyer on your side after any type of drug arrest, the more options you may have to obtain a favorable outcome. We represent people charged with drug possession, drug paraphernalia possession, drug distribution and drug trafficking.
- Violent crimes: We represent people charged with death by motor vehicle, involuntary manslaughter, domestic violence or any type of assault, including sex offenses.
- Theft crimes: including fraud, larceny, unlawful concealment, robbery and burglary
- Alcohol crimes: including underage drinking, open container, and intoxicated and disruptive acts
- Trespassing crimes: including breaking and entering, vandalism of private property, and other related crimes
- Probation Violations: in District and Superior Court
- Bond Motions in District and Superior Court
- Appeals: Appeals from both District and Superior Court, including appeals to the North Carolina Court of Appeals and Supreme Court
- Motions for Appropriate Relief
- Recall of Arrest Warrant
Criminal Defense Lawyer in Greensboro NC
Whether you face charges of murder or petty theft, drug trafficking or a traffic violation, you can count on an aggressive defense if our law firm represents you. We will focus on shielding you from the consequences of criminal charges by helping you:- Avoid jail or prison-
Avoid costly fines and penalties
Achieve a reduction of bail bonds
Reduction of criminal charges
Avoid or erase your criminal record
Facing Criminal Charges? We Can Help!
From our law offices in Greensboro, the criminal defense lawyers at Garrett, Walker, Aycoth & Olson represent clients throughout North Carolina. For best results, we urge you to act promptly if you have been charged or are being investigated for a crime.Call us today at (336) 379-0539 or contact us to schedule a free, in-depth consultation. Our law firm is located at 317 S. Greene St, Greensboro, NC 27401. We’re directly across the street from the Carolina Theater in downtown Greensboro on S. Greene St. Big grey building with Garrett, Walker, Aycoth & Olson across the top in Downtown Greensboro, North Carolina.Do I need a Greensboro Criminal Lawyer?
What should I do if I’m stopped by the Police?
Our criminal defense lawyers in Greensboro, NC are often confronted with the fact that our clients have hurt themselves more than they’ve helped themselves after being stopped by the police. We have some recommendations as to what you should do if you’re stopped and questioned by a law enforcement officer.
- If you don’t know what to do, just remain silent – it’s your right!
- In North Carolina, and in the United States for that matter, you have the right to remain silent and not say anything at all. The Fifth Amendment gives every person the right to refuse to make a statement that may incriminate ourselves in a potential criminal case.
- If you’re scared and you don’t know what to do or what to say, remember that you have the right to remain silent and anything you say can be used against you. No response and remaining silent is your right, so if unsure of what to say, you can just remain quiet.
- Being Calm, Respectful, and Polite with Law Enforcement can Help Your Case Later.
- This is tough, especially when you know you haven’t done anything wrong or have no idea why the police are questioning you. Our Greensboro criminal defense lawyers often encounter cases where our clients have decided the best course of action is to let the officers know just how they feel about the situation, this often leads to more charges, and also with the Greensboro Police Department utilizing Body Worn Camera, if you have committed a crime, this often makes it difficult to negotiate the resolution you’re looking for when the District Attorney can see the way you treated the officers on scene.
- Our Greensboro criminal attorneys have seen clients who may have committed a minor crime, be able to walk away with only a warning because they were polite and respectful to the officer. This doesn’t happen in every situation but it does take place. We are in a better-negotiating position when we can show the District Attorney that you were respectful to law enforcement at the scene. However, if you’ve done nothing wrong, you have a right to let the officer know it, and our criminal attorneys in Greensboro, NC, will do everything we can to make sure you’re found to be innocent in court.
- When Should I Call a Criminal Lawyer in Greensboro, NC? IMMEDIATELY!
- Look, when you’re stopped by the police, this is not the time to see what they need. It’s time to call a top-rated criminal lawyer in Greensboro, NC to make sure they’re on your side at the very onset of the stop. If you’re trying to talk you’re way out of a felony charge on scene, please know, that’s probably not going to work and you may later wish that you had just followed step one and remained silent.
- Misdemeanor and felony charges can cause you to be arrested and placed in custody. Sometimes if it’s a domestic case, this can lead to a domestic hold, and if it’s a firearm by a felon charge, you can receive a firearm hold. These holds mean you cannot bond out and will need a Greensboro criminal defense lawyer to fight for you so you can have the opportunity to have a reasonable bond set so you can get out of custody.
- Criminal defense is a highly technical area of practice, and making sure you exercise your right to remain silent and have an attorney who cares about your well-being is vital in your defense. An attorney can advise you of rights so you know exactly what to say and do at the time of the stop or during the course of an investigation or search. Our Greensboro criminal lawyers are here to help you with a criminal investigation, whether it be for misdemeanor or felony charges.
- Know the Difference Between Misdemeanor and Felony Charges
- I know, “I think they said I’m being charged with a misdemeanor something” and the question our top-rated criminal lawyers are asked all of the time, is what’s the difference between a felony and a misdemeanor? Misdemeanors generally face sentences of less than a year in jail and felonies face sentences that are typically one year plus in prison. Misdemeanor offenses can send you to jail, felony offenses can send you to prison.
- The follow-up to this question, is what’s the difference between jail and prison in North Carolina. Jail is a local county facility, for instance, in Guilford County, we have both the Greensboro Jail and the High Point Jail. These are the local facilities where every person arrested in Greensboro and High Point is sent to after they’re initially arrested. A magistrate will then set conditions of pre-trial release or may place a person under a domestic hold or a firearm hold if the circumstances warrant it.
- Do Not Post Bail or Pay Your Bond Until After You Spoke with a Criminal Defense Attorney
- Family members and friends never want to see anyone they know locked up for any period of time and in most situations, they move to go ahead and bond with their loved one as soon as possible. If it’s a low bond and a simple misdemeanor case, then it would make sense to bond them out, but if it’s a high-level felony there are things you should keep in mind.
- A Greensboro criminal lawyer can review the facts of your case and make a determination as to what a reasonable bond should be. In Guilford County, there are bond guidelines, and a magistrate may have gone way above the guidelines when initially setting your bond and you may be better off waiting until after your first appearance to bond out.
- Bail bondsmen generally charge a percentage of the bond to get someone out. For instance, let’s just say you have a $100,000 bond and the bondsman is charging a 15% fee which would be $15,000 to bond your loved one out. Instead of bonding them out, you hire a Greensboro criminal defense lawyer for their first appearance with the hope that they’ll be able to reduce their bond. Let’s say the bond gets reduced at the first appearance by the criminal lawyer to $25,000. Then to bond them out would only be $3,750 to get them bonded out, which is quite the difference
- Sometimes our Guilford County criminal defense lawyers will see that the bond set by the magistrate is low and we’ll advise that you get them out prior to the first appearance because our concern would be that the judge may go up with the bond.
- Family members and friends never want to see anyone they know locked up for any period of time and in most situations, they move to go ahead and bond with their loved one as soon as possible. If it’s a low bond and a simple misdemeanor case, then it would make sense to bond them out, but if it’s a high-level felony there are things you should keep in mind.
- Please, Tell Your Criminal Defense Lawyer the Truth!
- We’re here for you. Never forget that. But we cannot help you to the extent we normally would if we’re being told something that didn’t happen. We prepare a defense and strategy for your case around that story, and then later on down the road, we find out the circumstances are completely different. Our Greensboro criminal defense attorneys may have lost precious time to be able to help you and sometimes the opportunity to do certain things with reference to the facts and procedure connected to your case may be lost. It’s vital just to tell us the truth…no matter how painful it is.
- The information you share with us is first and foremost confidential. Attorney-client privilege is just that it’s a privilege for you to be able to air out what happened without fear of retribution. We’re here to listen to everything that happened with your situation so we can configure a strategy to put your case in the best position possible. Trust me, we’ve heard it all, so just let us know so we can be better prepared to help you with your case.
- Please, Don’t Tell the Whole World What You Did – Or Even Your Friends & Family
- Conversations with family and friends are not privileged conversations. Anything you tell them can be used against you in court, so it’s important to be careful when having conversations with anyone other than your criminal lawyer.
- You’d be surprised at the number of our times our criminal attorneys in Greensboro, NC are told someone won’t testify against them and it’s a family member and friend only to show up in court and they’re there to testify against them. What you tell people who are not your attorney can and may be used against you in court. We’ve seen numerous relationships go sour over the course of someone having pending criminal charges, and then come time for the court case everything our client has told them has ended up back in a courtroom being used against them. Please be careful, the only privilege here is attorney-client privilege.
- It’s Helpful For Our Criminal Lawyers if you Write Down What Happened
- While the events are still fresh it’s important to our lawyers that your write down exactly what happened. But keep what you wrote down just between us and you. Provide us a copy while the events are still fresh in your mind. This way once our criminal lawyers have a copy of the motion of discovery you’re not attempting to remember facts, but rather you have a copy of what happened right there in front of you to go by that was written near the date and time of the criminal charges.
- A Witness List is Always Helpful
- If you know people who were there when the event took place, make a witness list and take down their phone numbers. This will be vital for later because our Greensboro criminal lawyers will need this information in order to track down witnesses should we need them to testify or for their statements prior to court.
- Keep Up With Your Court Dates
- Court dates seem to be so far out and then come up quickly. It’s best to put your court date in the calendar on your cell phone as soon as you have it. Everyone has a lot going on, and a court date a month out will be here before you know it. This gets back to what we discussed earlier that it’s important to call your criminal defense lawyer in Greensboro, NC as soon as you’re charged so we can get everything organized for you. In a lot of situations, we can go to court for you on the first court date without you having to be present. We typically will email
- We handle recalling orders for arrest if a court date has been missed, but in a majority of situations getting our law firm involved on the front end will save you a lot of trouble down the road.
Greensboro Criminal Defense Attorney Infographic
Top Rated Criminal Defense Attorneys in Greensboro NC Statistics
According to Weekly Crime Data that Greensboro Police department releases every week; Burglary was up by 65% and 17% increase in Stolen Property. Crimes Against Persons was down by 5% and Aggravated Assault was down by 32% and Aggravated Assault with a firearm was down by 52%.
What’s the Difference Between a Felony and a Misdemeanor?
Our top-rated criminal defense attorneys in Greensboro, NC are often asked the question of what’s the difference between a misdemeanor charge and a felony charge in North Carolina?
Misdemeanors are far less severe than felony charges. An easy way to think of it, is generally a misdemeanor faces the prospect of a sentence of less than a year in jail, and a felony charge, if convicted faces the prospect of over a year in prison. Misdemeanor faces jail time and Felonies face prison time.
Misdemeanor offenses can be 2nd-degree trespass, a domestic assault such as assault on a female or simple assault, possessing marijuana less than half an ounce, shoplifting at a store, driving while impaired, DUI or DWI charges, communicating threats, etc. Felony charges range from murder to obtaining property by false pretenses, firearm by a felon, felony assault charges, drug trafficking, felony possession of drugs, and a host of other charges.
Felony charges, if convicted, can also lead to the loss of certain rights. The right to possess a firearm in North Carolina and the United States for that matter, if you’re convicted of a felony. You will no longer be able to possess certain licenses, such as selling insurance or being a practicing attorney. You also lose the right to vote, until you’ve finished your sentence and/or you’ve finished probation whichever comes last. A misdemeanor conviction doesn’t cause any of these collateral consequences but does have an effect on your future just as a felony does.
What’s the Difference Between State and Federal Criminal Charges?
A majority of people with criminal charges in North Carolina will have charges in state court and not federal court. However, it’s important to distinguish between state and federal charges and also to be aware of certain charges that may end up being moved from state to federal court.
State charges stem from crimes committed in North Carolina but federal charges can come from certain criminal offenses that affect interstate commerce, or if a crime occurs on federal lands, such as a military base, then the federal government can adopt the case.
Federal charges, first require a federal issue. For instance, if marijuana is grown in California and then shipped to North Carolina, this would be interstate, meaning between states, then this crime would affect interstate commerce and the federal government could adopt the case. But just because a case involves interstate commerce doesn’t mean they will adopt the criminal case federally.
For instance, firearms are generally manufactured somewhere other than North Carolina. That means that if someone is caught with a firearm in North Carolina then that gun at some point moved in interstate commerce. Meaning the federal government has the ability to adopt most firearms by felon cases. However, this doesn’t mean that they will, and hence a majority of a firearm by felon cases are prosecuted at the state level, and every now and then the federal government will adopt a felon in possession of a firearm case.
As a criminal defense lawyer in Greensboro, NC from Garrett, Walker, Aycoth, & Olson, Attorneys at Law know, that ending up in court is stressful. If you find yourself being charged with a crime, you need a good criminal defense attorney on your side. Even though it might feel like you have little control over what is happening to you, you do have rights, and you must be aware of what you can do to make sure you have the best defense available to you.
If you have ever watched a crime show on TV, you have probably heard someone being read their Miranda rights. The Miranda rights give you the right to an attorney. Do not answer questions for the police without an attorney present. Invoke your right to an attorney as soon as possible. The processes and procedures from arrest to trial can be hard to navigate. Lawyers are educated and trained to handle these situations. Even if you have not done anything wrong, still ask for an attorney. The cops are not on your side, but a Greensboro, NC criminal defense lawyer always is.
Your attorney should always be working for what is in your best interests. If you feel that is not the case, you can usually change lawyers if you are unhappy with the one representing you. There may be some circumstances where the judge will not allow it, but usually, that is when the case is too far along for a new attorney to step in. With that said, changing lawyers is not an option to use lightly. Voice your concerns with your lawyer first. Give your lawyer a chance to take care of the problem before taking any drastic action.
There are some serious ramifications for firing your attorney. You will most likely still have to pay your old attorney, even if you are not thrilled with how they handled your case. You will also incur the cost of hiring a new lawyer. That lawyer will need to get up to speed with your case’s specifics, which will end up costing you even more money and time. As a last resort, though, you can hire a new attorney to represent you if you cannot get on the same page with your lawyer.
An arrest is when someone is taken into custody by a police officer after being accused of a supposed crime. But the person arrested is not automatically assumed guilty, as they are innocent until proven otherwise. If you are arrested, the most important thing that you need to remember is that you have the right to remain silent, and you have the right to ask for an attorney. However, these rights only apply if you choose to use them. The one thing you should do for yourself is remaining quiet until you have representation from a lawyer.
Do Not Resist or Use Force
In most situations, a person does not have the right to resist being arrested. A person who uses too much resistance or force in fighting off the officer may be charged with resisting arrest, assault/battery on an officer, or an even worse charge. And, you may end up with serious injury too. Keep in mind that if you were arrested without probable cause, the time to fight is in court and not on the street. If you or someone you care about was recently arrested, we urge you to contact our law firm today for assistance now.
Use Your Right To Remain Silent
After your arrest, you will be searched either at the scene, while in jail, or both. Any evidence or contraband you have will be obtained and kept by the officer. You will then be photographed and fingerprinted, and a record of your arrest written. Some newspapers publish arrest records and may be quickly available online. If you are concerned about your arrest going public and want to know how to clear your record, all you have to do is call us. Every person has the right to stay quiet when they are arrested. You do not have to answer questions aside from your name and other information for identification purposes only. You do not have to answer the police during an interrogation either, even if they make it seem so. Have the right to not speak, that is, until you have a lawyer next to you representing your case.
Call For Help
In most states, you have the right to ask for a phone call from a lawyer, a family member, or a bail bondsman. If you are unable to afford a lawyer, a public defender will be provided for you. But keep in mind, even if the public defender is free, they may be handling many cases aside from yours and won’t be able to give the time and attention needed to have a successful verdict. When you make this phone call, remember that it may be listened to or recorded and used against you later. Be mindful of the information you share over the phone and consider waiting to get into further detail until your lawyer is with you.
Before reaching out to a criminal defense lawyer in Greensboro, North Carolina, you are probably wondering what exactly a criminal defense lawyer does. Well, first, a lawyer can help you navigate through the criminal justice system. The criminal justice system isn’t the easiest system to understand, which is why working with a lawyer can become extremely beneficial to you, especially if you have been charged with a crime. A lawyer will assist you with preparing and asserting your legal defense to make sure that your rights will be protected throughout the entire process.
It can be very intimidating when you are faced with questioning from police, a judge, or a prosecutor. You will need to be prepared so that you don’t incriminate yourself or perhaps say the wrong thing that can be used against you. Lawyers who specialized in criminal defense understand how to handle these types of interactions with police officers, judges, and prosecutors. They have had years of schooling, training, and experience in various criminal cases.
A criminal defense lawyer in Greensboro, North Carolina can help you with constructing your legal defense, navigating through the jury selection process, and negotiating a possible plea bargain, and they will above all – advocate for you at a trial or during sentencing. A criminal defense lawyer is focused on protecting the rights of defendants and working with them at building a defense that could reduce the negative consequences of being arrested.
Within the criminal defense area, there are a few specialized areas that your lawyer could be familiar with. These areas include cases involving drug charges, violent crimes, federal charges, or sex crime charges. If you find a lawyer who is specialized in the area that your case falls under that could be beneficial to your case. Your attorney should have experience in defending similar or other types of cases in the specialized area so that they will understand how to adequately defend you and your case.
Unfortunately, discrimination and other untoward motivations can get in the way of due process that can prevent equal treatment and rob you as an American of your rights. A criminal defense lawyer will be able to defend you against these types of injustices and errors and ensure that your rights are honored. A lawyer will be able to educate their clients on their rights, call prosecutors and police on their errors and/or overreach, and insist that their client is treated with the respect and objectivity that is owed to them during the legal process.
The legal process can be very confusing and time-consuming, but with a lawyer, you will have the advantage of having a skilled and knowledgeable professional who can assist you with understanding your options, making good choices, and avoiding deals and plea agreements that will not be in your best interest. A criminal defense lawyer in Greensboro, North Carolina from Garrett, Walker, Aycoth, & Olson, Attorneys at Law will have your best interests in mind.
Premier Criminal Defense Lawyers in Greensboro, NC
When you’re facing criminal charges in Greensboro, North Carolina, you need a powerhouse legal team that you can trust to protect your rights and vigorously defend your case. At Garrett, Walker, Aycoth & Olson, Attorneys at Law, our dedicated criminal defense attorneys have the experience, knowledge, and dedication to provide you with the aggressive representation you need.
Trusted Representation for Criminal Cases
Our team understands the complexities of the North Carolina legal system and has a proven track record of success in handling a wide range of criminal cases. From minor infractions to serious felony charges, we are here to fight for your rights and help you navigate the legal process with confidence.
Comprehensive Legal Services
We offer comprehensive legal services tailored to meet the unique needs of each client. Our areas of expertise include:
- DUI/DWI Defense: If you’ve been charged with driving under the influence, our attorneys will work tirelessly to protect your driving privileges and minimize the consequences.
- Drug Offenses: Whether you’re facing charges for possession, distribution, or manufacturing, we will mount a strategic defense to challenge the prosecution’s case against you.
- Assault and Battery: If you’ve been accused of assault or battery, our skilled attorneys will investigate the circumstances surrounding your case and fight to protect your rights.
The Garrett, Walker, Aycoth & Olson Fan Club
Join our ever-growing community of satisfied clients who have experienced the unwavering dedication and exceptional legal representation provided by Garrett, Walker, Aycoth & Olson, Attorneys at Law. Our fan club is a testament to our commitment to excellence and our relentless pursuit of justice for each and every client we represent.
Client-Centered Approach
At Garrett, Walker, Aycoth & Olson, Attorneys at Law, we prioritize our clients’ needs above all else. We understand the stress and uncertainty that comes with facing criminal charges, and we are committed to providing you with the personalized attention and support you deserve. When you choose us to represent you, you can trust that we will be with you every step of the way, fighting tirelessly to achieve the best possible outcome for your case.
Schedule a Consultation Today
Don’t leave your future to chance. If you’re facing criminal charges in Greensboro, NC, contact Garrett, Walker, Aycoth & Olson, Attorneys at Law, today to schedule a consultation. Let us put our experience and expertise to work for you and fight to protect your rights and your freedom.
CLICK FOR FREE CONSULTATIONFrequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Criminal Defense in Greensboro, NC
Q: What should I do if I’m arrested for a crime in Greensboro, NC?
A: If you’re arrested, it’s crucial to remain calm and exercise your right to remain silent. Contact our experienced criminal defense attorneys at Garrett, Walker, Aycoth & Olson, Attorneys at Law, as soon as possible. We’ll provide you with guidance and representation throughout the legal process.
Q: How can a criminal defense attorney help me?
A: A skilled criminal defense attorney can provide valuable legal advice, protect your rights during police questioning, investigate your case, negotiate with prosecutors for reduced charges or penalties, and represent you in court if your case goes to trial.
Q: What should I look for when hiring a criminal defense attorney in Greensboro, NC?
A: When hiring a criminal defense attorney, look for experience, expertise in handling cases similar to yours, a track record of success, and a commitment to providing personalized attention to your case. At Garrett, Walker, Aycoth & Olson, Attorneys at Law, we possess all these qualities and more.
Q: Will I have to go to trial for my criminal case?
A: Not necessarily. Many criminal cases are resolved through negotiation or plea bargaining before trial. However, if your case does go to trial, our experienced attorneys will provide aggressive representation to defend your rights and pursue the best possible outcome.
Q: How much will it cost to hire a criminal defense attorney?
A: The cost of hiring a criminal defense attorney can vary depending on the complexity of your case and the attorney’s fee structure. At Garrett, Walker, Aycoth & Olson, Attorneys at Law, we offer transparent pricing and will work with you to find a payment plan that fits your budget.
Q: Can I expunge my criminal record in North Carolina?
A: In some cases, it may be possible to expunge certain criminal offenses from your record in North Carolina. Our knowledgeable attorneys can advise you on whether you’re eligible for expungement and guide you through the process.
Q: How long will my criminal case take to resolve?
A: The timeline for resolving a criminal case can vary depending on factors such as the complexity of the case, the severity of the charges, and the court’s schedule. Our attorneys will work diligently to resolve your case as efficiently as possible while ensuring the best possible outcome.
Q: What sets Garrett, Walker, Aycoth & Olson, Attorneys at Law, apart from other law firms in Greensboro?
A: Our firm is dedicated to providing top-notch legal representation with a personalized touch. We have a team of experienced criminal defense attorneys who are committed to fighting for the rights and freedoms of our clients. With a track record of success and a reputation for excellence, we are the premier choice for criminal defense in Greensboro, NC.
Garrett, Walker, Aycoth, & Olson Greensboro Criminal Defense Lawyer
Greensboro Criminal Defense Lawyer Google Review
“Jason is the best attorney I have ever worked with in my entire life and I was absolutely blessed to find him. Jason worked with me on my case for nearly two years and eventually negotiated with the district attorney (DA) to have my charges dismissed. Given the uniqueness of my case and my situation, he never gave up and continued to try to work with the DA to have my case dismissed. After several deals I refused from the DA, Jason continued to show the same tenacity from day one of working with me, which eventually led to a decision that worked in my favor. I can honestly say without a doubt if I had hired any other attorney, my case would have been resolved much differently. Jason was such a pleasure to work with and always helped me keep my chin up when I was saddened about possible outcomes. He went far and beyond the call of duty to help me through my case and I can’t thank him enough. If you’re looking for an attorney who cares and will continue to work with you through the thick and thin, hire Jason.”
Contact Garrett, Walker, Aycoth, & Olson, Attorneys at Law
Garrett, Walker, Aycoth & Olson is located at 317 S. Greene St., Greensboro, NC 27401. We’re located directly across the street from the Carolina Theater in downtown Greensboro, North Carolina. Our phone number is 336-379-0539. We’re here to help you with your case and we’re only a phone call away for all of your legal needs in Guilford County, NC
Garrett, Walker, Aycoth, & Olson, Attorneys at Law